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HearthStone Castleton 8031 Wood Stove features optional top or rear flue exits, greater heat output with a larger fire box, beautiful detailing, and soapstone facing on the side loading door, the Castleton wood stove is just what you need. When fully loaded, the new Castleton will burn for up to 6 hours, providing up to 10 hours of sustained heat. HearthStone's quality is defined by its materials, design and workmanship. The Castleton combines the superior heating qualities of soapstone with elegant and durable cast iron elements. The stove is designed to include the essential features to maintain a warm, comfortable home. A simple and robust construction ensures reliability and makes the stove an exceptional value for the price.Experience the HearthStone difference with a Castleton wood burning stove in your home.


See Recomended Section for optional accessories

Hearthstone Castleton 8031 Wood Stove

    • Castleton Outside Air Starter: $117.00
    • Castleton 3" to 4" Conversion Collar: $35.00
    • Castleton/Mansfield/Heritage Blower (requires heat shield): $405.00
    • Castleton Rear Heatshield: 128.00
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